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Join vCloudPoint At GESS Dubai 2017

vCloudPoint will be exhibiting at GESS from the 14th -16th of March 2017 demonstrating how our solution subserve  school desktop computation. vCloudPoint likewise will be exhibiting the key access spectrum of educational solution and shared computing, that provides you with easy and expedient computing for education.

We will be running to the highest degree classroom utilized application and demonstrating our features purposely designed for e-learning.

we are looking forward meeting interested and prospect customers as well as partners and have a individualized conversation at the stand E22 on the 14th – 16th of March 2017. Participating staff members: (Rollin Lau ,CSO;Jason Yeh,CMO) will be presenting as well as listening and sharing ideas along product improvement and development as well as marketing and sale.

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