Gymnasium Spišská Stará Ves

Country: Slovakia
End user name: Gymnasium Spišská Stará Ves
Business/Training Scope: Gymnasium
Total number of devices deployed: 17 seats, 1 classroom.
Total number of servers deployed:1
Contact person: RNDr. Mária Semančíková
Tel: 0911241744
Title: Teacher Lab
Comment of the end user:
Applications: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Winrar, Total Commander, MS Office 2016 SK kvôli testom ECDL, GIMP 2.8.10 kvôli testom ECDL, Dev C++, 7-zip, Audacity (+knižnica na export do mp3), Movie Maker, Lazarus, Irfan View, Geogebra, Unity 3D, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Atom, Brackets
Server configuration:

  • AMD 8-core CPU
  • 512GB SSD M.2 Disk
  • Gigabyte Mainboard,
  • 2Gb VGA card,
  • 48GB RAM DDR4,
  • 550W power supply
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